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Mighty power rack cx-35 cps


Od 39 550   včetně DPH

Katalogové číslo: MA-010-0394 Kategorie:


CX-35 is one of our bestsellers. It’s simple and functional design makes for a great foundation for every home gym or studio. And it can be easily upgraded with different accessories and attachments.On the backside of the rack, we’ve added a CPS pulley system, that will enable you to add belted squats, rows, and different lat and pull exercises to your regiment.The minimum height of the ceiling must be 260 cm.You can choose between:1. Plate-loaded CPSYou will be able to use the plates that you already have (50 mm). With the Plate-loaded CPS you will be able to do Lat-pull downs, biceps curls, belt squats, and many other exercises.2. Fixed Stack Loaded CPSThe static one has 2 pulley cables. One is positioneddirectly under the highest point of the upright, so you can use it forexercises like Lat pull-downs and triceps extensions. On the other hand,you have another pulley positioned on the lowest point of thestructure. This option is suitable for exercises like biceps curls orrows.3. Adjustable Stack loaded CPSThe Adjustable option has a pulley card that can beadjusted to your most preferred height with literary just a click. Thisfunctionality allows you the freedom to change your exercises fast andhave the minimum transaction time. The upright is covered inhigh-quality European chrome, and its made to resist the thick of time.Additional offer: You can exchange the basic 50 kg weight stack with 80 kg or 120 kg.Note: This equipment (fixed, adjustable) has a 1:2 ratio. What does that mean? It means that, when 50kg is selected at the stack, the user experiences 25kg of equivalent pull force or half of the selected weight.

Další informace

Hmotnost 183.73 kg
Rozměry 0.0 × 0.0 × 2500.0 mm

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