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Kingsbox powerlifting calibrated steel plates


Od 2 738   včetně DPH

Katalogové číslo: MA-010-0530 Kategorie: ,


Calibrated steel plates have many benefits: every athlete will appreciate the durability and accuracy of weights. Because they are color-coded it is easy to distinguish their weight by a glance. Powerlifters and Strongmans especially will appreciate the thinness of the steel plates since they will be able to load more kg on their barbell. On the backside of the steel plates, there are two pins with which you can calibrate the weights. The center hole of the steel plates is fitted tightly to the standard barbell sleeve. At the first few uses, you will have to push the weights on because of the fresh layer of coating. But after a few trainings, the weight will adapt to your barbell and it will be easier to load.

Další informace

Hmotnost 10.0 kg
Rozměry 250.0 × 250.0 × 20.0 mm

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