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Rubber royal j cups


1 729  včetně DPH

Katalogové číslo: KB05RI-090 Kategorie: ,


The fact is that anyone who uses an Olympic barbell and has a rack at home MUST also have a pair of barbell holders (j-cups). Of course, there are many choices on the market, no wonder, as it is a necessary piece of equipment. J-cups are a piece of equipment that is so common that athletes dont even think about it anymore. We, of course, wouldnt be KingsBox if we wouldnt be thinking of improving seemingly insignificant pieces of equipment. That is why we improved the barbell holders: we removed the hard plastic and attached a softer rubber to the steel holder, which is gentler to the barbell.

Další informace

Hmotnost 2.6 kg
Rozměry 29.0 × 29.0 × 17.0 mm

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