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Mighty slim crossover machine


57 804  včetně DPH

Katalogové číslo: X-096-7010 Kategorie:


Even though we are known for equipping larger sports centers, we never forget about home gyms and smaller personal studios. We have designed the Mighty Slim Crossover Machine precisely for smaller spaces. The device is narrow enough to fit in the smallest of spaces and, if you so desire, you can attach it to our Royal Closet Gym instead of the TNT Rack. Mighty Break Crossover Machine is a high-quality pulley system with two handles. In the central part there are adjustable weights, and on the side, there are two pillars, which allow 33 different positions of the pulley. This allows you to perform different exercises or set the right height for each individual trainee.

Další informace

Hmotnost 150.0 kg
Rozměry 105.0 × 210.0 × 25.0 mm

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s prvotřídními dodavateli



od roku 2014


Objemové slevy

pro velkoobchodní odběratele


3D realizace

vašeho gymu



v EU