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Kingsbox imperial cross over bar


2 434  včetně DPH

Katalogové číslo: X-278-0100 Kategorie:


The 100% aluminium bar is especially made for bringing more functionality in your day-to-day cross-over machine training.What really makes the imperial bar special are the high quality bearing that are positioned under the end hook caps. This specially gives to your wrist the freedom to move freely during all the exercises.The Imperial Cross Over Bar is available with 1 side rotating hook or 2 sides rotating hook.The first option is more suitable for those that want a high quality bar for cable functional training.The second option is a great solution for all those that want a great cable bar that is used for body building exercise like cable bench press or for example cable squats.Specifications:Material: AluminiumBearings: 2 bearings on each side of the barKnurling: YesColor: Black anodized aluminiumDimensions: 127cmDiameter: 32mm

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Hmotnost 3.0 kg
Rozměry 30.0 × 30.0 × 10.0 mm

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